Live Wallpapers Ltd. التطبيقات

Abstract Live Wallpapers 10.09
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Get your phone or tablet alive with these multi-screen AbstractLive Wallpapers
Wrestling Heroes Live Walls 1.1
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
App is free with Wrestling Heroes Live Wallpapers. Do not drainextra battery in both active and inactive conditions i.e. optimizedbatter y usage. View images either from application own album asstunning wallpapers, or can select pictures from photo gallery, orfrom any folder on your SD card.It changes wallpapers automatically using default time interval ofone hour or want to change it immediately by double tap on anyscreen. LWP provides different effects like zooming in/out, fadein/out, slide an image, wipe, 3d rotation etc.Wrestling Heroes Live Wallpapers support both horizontal andvertical orientation with great effects on your smart phone ortablet.Instructions for installation:Home>Menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper>Wrestling HeroesLive Wallpapers or Press and hold home button (screen) Livewallpapers and Wrestling Heroes Live Wallpapers, or from settings(create and open shortcut to Wrestling Heroes LiveWallpapers).App Settings:Common settings: - Select picture source to display pictures(picture source can be internal wallpaper present in livewallpapers app, or select from album or picture folder or evenselect a single picture). Change the background color of the screen(it can be red, green, blue etc. or auto detect color), crop orresize pictures to fit screen size or fit to full screen, decreaseimage saturation (from 100 to 10 %), or decrease opacity of theimage.Individual settings: - Individual settings is for a specifiedscreen e.g. Select screen number and change its settings i.e. itspicture source or background color or resize the wallpaper of thespecified screen, its opacity etc. etc.Lock screen settings: - Change the lock screen settings withdifferent provided settings, i.e. picture source, background color,image resize ratio, image saturation and opacity etc.Transition type settings: - When switching screen you can changeits animation to 3d, swing, wipe, etc. etc. zoom and slide isautomatically selected.Picture Interval settings: - Change the pictures intervalautomatically one hour is selected.Advanced Settings: - Even advanced settings can be performedincludes, work around for some home applications, maximum memoryusage and image color depth.Some about Wrestling:Wrestling is a combat sport involving grappling type techniquessuch as clinch fighting, throws and takedowns, joint locks, pinsand other grappling holds. A wrestling bout is a physicalcompetition, between two (occasionally more) competitors orsparring partners, who attempt to gain and maintain a superiorposition. There are wide ranges of styles with varying rules withboth traditional historic and modern styles. Wrestling techniqueshave been incorporated into other martial arts as well as militaryhand-to-hand combat systems.The term wrestling is attested in late Old English, as wræstlunge(glossing palestram).For further developments and for developer support app includesads, so bear it patiently. If you have any complaint or suggestionwe welcome your feedback on irfanpatandec84@gmail.comThanks for your installation.
3D Live Wallpapers 4.6
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive withhundreds of multiscreen 3D Live Wallpapers.App is free with HD 3D Live Wallpapers. Do not drain extra batteryin both active and inactive conditions i.e. optimized batter yusage. View images either from application own album as stunningwallpapers, or can select pictures from photo gallery, or from anyfolder on your SD card.It changes wallpapers automatically using default time interval ofone hour or want to change it immediately by double tap on anyscreen. LWP provides different effects like zooming in/out, fadein/out, slide an image, wipe, 3d rotation etc.3D Live Wallpapers support both horizontal and vertical orientationwith great effects on your smart phone or tablet.Instructions for installation:Home>Menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper>3D Live Wallpapersor Press and hold home button (screen) Live wallpapers and 3D LiveWallpapers, or from settings (create and open shortcut to 3D LiveWallpapers).App Settings:Common settings: - Select picture source to display pictures(picture source can be internal wallpaper present in livewallpapers app, or select from album or picture folder or evenselect a single picture). Change the background color of the screen(it can be red, green, blue etc. or auto detect color), crop orresize pictures to fit screen size or fit to full screen, decreaseimage saturation (from 100 to 10 %), or decrease opacity of theimage.Individual settings: - Individual settings is for a specifiedscreen e.g. Select screen number and change its settings i.e. itspicture source or background color or resize the wallpaper of thespecified screen, its opacity etc. etc.Lock screen settings: - Change the lock screen settings withdifferent provided settings, i.e. picture source, background color,image resize ratio, image saturation and opacity etc.Transition type settings: - When switching screen you can changeits animation to 3d, swing, wipe, etc. etc. zoom and slide isautomatically selected.Picture Interval settings: - Change the pictures intervalautomatically one hour is selected.Advanced Settings: - Even advanced settings can be performedincludes, work around for some home applications, maximum memoryusage and image color depth.Some about Abstract and 3D:Abstract art uses a visual language of shape, form, color and lineto create a composition, which may exist with a degree ofindependence from visual references in the world. Western art hadbeen, from the Renaissance up to the middle of the 19th century,underpinned by the logic of perspective and an attempt to reproducean illusion of visible reality. The arts of cultures other than theEuropean had become accessible and showed alternative ways ofdescribing visual experience to the artist. By the end of the 19thcentury many artists felt a need to create a new kind of art, whichwould encompass the fundamental changes taking place in technology,science and philosophy. The sources from which individual artistsdrew their theoretical arguments were diverse, and reflected thesocial and intellectual preoccupations in all areas of Westernculture at that time.Much of the art of earlier cultures – signs and marks on pottery,textiles, and inscriptions and paintings on rock – were simple,geometric and linear forms, which might have had a symbolic ordecorative purpose. It is at this level of visual meaning thatabstract art communicates. One can enjoy the beauty of Chinesecalligraphy or Islamic calligraphy without being able to readit.Abstract art, non-figurative art, nonobjective art, andnonrepresentational art are loosely related terms. They aresimilar, but perhaps not of identical meaning.For further developments and for developer support app includesads, so bear it patiently. If you have any complaint or suggestionwe welcome your feedback on irfanpatandec84@gmail.comThanks for your installation.
Photography Live Wallpapers 2.1
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
App is free with HD Photography LiveWallpapers. Do not drain extra battery in both active and inactiveconditions i.e. optimized batter y usage. View images either fromapplication own album as stunning wallpapers, or can selectpictures from photo gallery, or from any folder on your SDcard.It changes wallpapers automatically using default time interval ofone hour or want to change it immediately by double tap on anyscreen. LWP provides different effects like zooming in/out, fadein/out, slide an image, wipe, 3d rotation etc.Photography Live Wallpapers support both horizontal and verticalorientation with great effects on your smart phone or tablet.Instructions for installation:Home>Menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper>Photography LiveWallpapers or Press and hold home button (screen) Live wallpapersand Photography Live Wallpapers, or from settings (create and openshortcut to Photography Live Wallpapers).App Settings:Common settings: - Select picture source to display pictures(picture source can be internal wallpaper present in livewallpapers app, or select from album or picture folder or evenselect a single picture). Change the background color of the screen(it can be red, green, blue etc. or auto detect color), crop orresize pictures to fit screen size or fit to full screen, decreaseimage saturation (from 100 to 10 %), or decrease opacity of theimage.Individual settings: - Individual settings is for a specifiedscreen e.g. Select screen number and change its settings i.e. itspicture source or background color or resize the wallpaper of thespecified screen, its opacity etc. etc.Lock screen settings: - Change the lock screen settings withdifferent provided settings, i.e. picture source, background color,image resize ratio, image saturation and opacity etc.Transition type settings: - When switching screen you can changeits animation to 3d, swing, wipe, etc. etc. zoom and slide isautomatically selected.Picture Interval settings: - Change the pictures intervalautomatically one hour is selected.Advanced Settings: - Even advanced settings can be performedincludes, work around for some home applications, maximum memoryusage and image color depth.Photography did not simply represent modern life; it became one ofthe conditions associated with modernity. Advancements intechnology, especially those related to transport andcommunications, gave a sense of life lived at greater speed acrossshorter distances. Photography allows for quick, accurate recordingof things and its placing of distant objects, places and people,directly in front of the viewer, had the apparent effect ofabolishing both time and distance.Photography inserted itself into discourses, such as tourism,criminology and medicine, often becoming a tool through whichinstitutional power was exercised. The photographing of people andplaces did not always make the distant and strange seem familiar;photography, especially in its institutional use, frequentlyasserted difference.For further developments and for developer support app includesads, so bear it patiently. If you have any complaint or suggestionwe welcome your feedback on irfanpatandec84@gmail.comThanks for your installation.
Computer Graphic LWP 4.5
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive withhundreds of multiscreen Computer Graphic LWP.App is free with HD Computer Graphic LWP. Do not drain extrabattery in both active and inactive conditions i.e. optimizedbatter y usage. View images either from application own album asstunning wallpapers, or can select pictures from photo gallery, orfrom any folder on your SD card.It changes wallpapers automatically using default time interval ofone hour or want to change it immediately by double tap on anyscreen. LWP provides different effects like zooming in/out, fadein/out, slide an image, wipe, 3d rotation etc.Computer Graphic LWP support both horizontal and verticalorientation with great effects on your smart phone or tablet.Instructions for installation:Home>Menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper>Computer Graphic LWPor Press and hold home button (screen) Live wallpapers and ComputerGraphic LWP, or from settings (create and open shortcut to ComputerGraphic LWP).App Settings:Common settings: - Select picture source to display pictures(picture source can be internal wallpaper present in livewallpapers app, or select from album or picture folder or evenselect a single picture). Change the background color of the screen(it can be red, green, blue etc. or auto detect color), crop orresize pictures to fit screen size or fit to full screen, decreaseimage saturation (from 100 to 10 %), or decrease opacity of theimage.Individual settings: - Individual settings is for a specifiedscreen e.g. Select screen number and change its settings i.e. itspicture source or background color or resize the wallpaper of thespecified screen, its opacity etc. etc.Lock screen settings: - Change the lock screen settings withdifferent provided settings, i.e. picture source, background color,image resize ratio, image saturation and opacity etc.Transition type settings: - When switching screen you can changeits animation to 3d, swing, wipe, etc. etc. zoom and slide isautomatically selected.Picture Interval settings: - Change the pictures intervalautomatically one hour is selected.Advanced Settings: - Even advanced settings can be performedincludes, work around for some home applications, maximum memoryusage and image color depth.Some about Abstract and 3D:Abstraction indicates a departure from reality in depiction ofimagery in art. This departure from accurate representation can beslight, partial, or complete. Abstraction exists along a continuum.Even art that aims for verisimilitude of the highest degree can besaid to be abstract, at least theoretically, since perfectrepresentation is likely to be exceedingly elusive. Artwork, whichtakes liberties, altering for instance color and form in ways thatare conspicuous, can be said to be partially abstract. Totalabstraction bears no trace of any reference to anythingrecognizable. In geometric abstraction, for instance, one isunlikely to find references to naturalistic entities. Figurativeart and total abstraction are almost mutually exclusive. Butfigurative and representational (or realistic) art often containspartial abstraction.Three art movements, which contributed to the development ofabstract art, were Romanticism, Impressionism and Expressionism.Artistic independence for artists was advanced during the 19thcentury. Patronage from the church diminished and private patronagefrom the public became more capable of providing a livelihood forartists.For further developments and for developer support app includesads, so bear it patiently. If you have any complaint or suggestionwe welcome your feedback on irfanpatandec84@gmail.comThanks for your installation.
Military Aircraft Live Wallpap 10.73
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your phone or tablet alive with Military Aircrafts
HD Nature Live Wallpapers 10.73
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
App is free with HD Nature Live Wallpapers. Do not drain extrabattery in both active and inactive conditions i.e. optimizedbatter y usage. View images either from application own album asstunning wallpapers, or can select pictures from photo gallery, orfrom any folder on your SD card. It changes wallpapersautomatically using default time interval of one hour or want tochange it immediately by double tap on any screen. LWP providesdifferent effects like zooming in/out, fade in/out, slide an image,wipe, 3d rotation etc. HD Nature Live Wallpapers support bothhorizontal and vertical orientation with great effects on yoursmart phone or tablet. Instructions for installation:Home>Menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper>HD Nature LiveWallpapers or Press and hold home button (screen) Live wallpapersand HD Nature Live Wallpapers, or from settings (create and openshortcut to HD Nature Live Wallpapers). App Settings: Commonsettings: - Select picture source to display pictures (picturesource can be internal wallpaper present in live wallpapers app, orselect from album or picture folder or even select a singlepicture). Change the background color of the screen (it can be red,green, blue etc. or auto detect color), crop or resize pictures tofit screen size or fit to full screen, decrease image saturation(from 100 to 10 %), or decrease opacity of the image. Individualsettings: - Individual settings is for a specified screen e.g.Select screen number and change its settings i.e. its picturesource or background color or resize the wallpaper of the specifiedscreen, its opacity etc. etc. Lock screen settings: - Change thelock screen settings with different provided settings, i.e. picturesource, background color, image resize ratio, image saturation andopacity etc. Transition type settings: - When switching screen youcan change its animation to 3d, swing, wipe, etc. etc. zoom andslide is automatically selected. Picture Interval settings: -Change the pictures interval automatically one hour is selected.Advanced Settings: - Even advanced settings can be performedincludes, work around for some home applications, maximum memoryusage and image color depth. Some about Nature: We hope you willamuse yourself with these amusing HD Nature Live Wallpapers becausenature is full of beauties only we should have eyes to perceivethem. Nature is a beauty of hidden paradise and has provided uswith wonderful gifts. Nature is full of adventurous spots , sceniclandscapes, mystic caves , colorful flora and fauna, splendidwaterfalls, exotic locales, snowcapped peaks, lofty mountainranges, picturesque dense lush green forests, dazzling deserts,breathtaking seascapes, serene flowing rivers, captivating sandybeaches all mesmerizes and provides one with awesome sights. Fromtimes immortal nature has been a source of inspiration to man. Butman's need for comfort has made him to destruct it. Many plants andanimals are becoming extinct. Hence it becomes very important forus to protect this incredible beauty of Nature for generations tocome. For further developments and for developer support appincludes ads, so bear it patiently. If you have any complaint orsuggestion we welcome your feedback on irfanpatandec84@gmail.comThanks for your installation.
Nature Live Backgrounds 3.8
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone / tablet alive with Nature Backgrounds
Live Photography Pictures 3.8
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
App is free with HD Live Photography Pictures. Do not drain extrabattery in both active and inactive conditions i.e. optimizedbatter y usage. View images either from application own album asstunning wallpapers, or can select pictures from photo gallery, orfrom any folder on your SD card. It changes wallpapersautomatically using default time interval of one hour or want tochange it immediately by double tap on any screen. LWP providesdifferent effects like zooming in/out, fade in/out, slide an image,wipe, 3d rotation etc. Live Photography Pictures support bothhorizontal and vertical orientation with great effects on yoursmart phone or tablet. Instructions for installation:Home>Menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper>Live PhotographyPictures or Press and hold home button (screen) Live wallpapers andLive Photography Pictures, or from settings (create and openshortcut to Live Photography Pictures). App Settings: Commonsettings: - Select picture source to display pictures (picturesource can be internal wallpaper present in live wallpapers app, orselect from album or picture folder or even select a singlepicture). Change the background color of the screen (it can be red,green, blue etc. or auto detect color), crop or resize pictures tofit screen size or fit to full screen, decrease image saturation(from 100 to 10 %), or decrease opacity of the image. Individualsettings: - Individual settings is for a specified screen e.g.Select screen number and change its settings i.e. its picturesource or background color or resize the wallpaper of the specifiedscreen, its opacity etc. etc. Lock screen settings: - Change thelock screen settings with different provided settings, i.e. picturesource, background color, image resize ratio, image saturation andopacity etc. Transition type settings: - When switching screen youcan change its animation to 3d, swing, wipe, etc. etc. zoom andslide is automatically selected. Picture Interval settings: -Change the pictures interval automatically one hour is selected.Advanced Settings: - Even advanced settings can be performedincludes, work around for some home applications, maximum memoryusage and image color depth. Photography did not simply representmodern life; it became one of the conditions associated withmodernity. Advancements in technology, especially those related totransport and communications, gave a sense of life lived at greaterspeed across shorter distances. Photography allows for quick,accurate recording of things and its placing of distant objects,places and people, directly in front of the viewer, had theapparent effect of abolishing both time and distance. Photographyinserted itself into discourses, such as tourism, criminology andmedicine, often becoming a tool through which institutional powerwas exercised. The photographing of people and places did notalways make the distant and strange seem familiar; photography,especially in its institutional use, frequently asserteddifference. For further developments and for developer support appincludes ads, so bear it patiently. If you have any complaint orsuggestion we welcome your feedback on irfanpatandec84@gmail.comThanks for your installation.
Earth Live Wallpapers 7.6
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with hundreds of multiscreenEarth Live Wallpapers. App is free with HD Earth Live Wallpapers.Do not drain extra battery in both active and inactive conditionsi.e. optimized batter y usage. View images either from applicationown album as stunning wallpapers, or can select pictures from photogallery, or from any folder on your SD card. It changes wallpapersautomatically using default time interval of one hour or want tochange it immediately by double tap on any screen. LWP providesdifferent effects like zooming in/out, fade in/out, slide an image,wipe, 3d rotation etc. Earth Live Wallpapers support bothhorizontal and vertical orientation with great effects on yoursmart phone or tablet. Instructions for installation:Home>Menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper>Earth LiveWallpapers or Press and hold home button (screen) Live wallpapersand Earth Live Wallpapers, or from settings (create and openshortcut to Earth Live Wallpapers). App Settings: Common settings:- Select picture source to display pictures (picture source can beinternal wallpaper present in live wallpapers app, or select fromalbum or picture folder or even select a single picture). Changethe background color of the screen (it can be red, green, blue etc.or auto detect color), crop or resize pictures to fit screen sizeor fit to full screen, decrease image saturation (from 100 to 10%), or decrease opacity of the image. Individual settings: -Individual settings is for a specified screen e.g. Select screennumber and change its settings i.e. its picture source orbackground color or resize the wallpaper of the specified screen,its opacity etc. etc. Lock screen settings: - Change the lockscreen settings with different provided settings, i.e. picturesource, background color, image resize ratio, image saturation andopacity etc. Transition type settings: - When switching screen youcan change its animation to 3d, swing, wipe, etc. etc. zoom andslide is automatically selected. Picture Interval settings: -Change the pictures interval automatically one hour is selected.Advanced Settings: - Even advanced settings can be performedincludes, work around for some home applications, maximum memoryusage and image color depth. Some about Nature: We hope you willamuse yourself with these amusing Earth Live Wallpapers becausenature is full of beauties only we should have eyes to perceivethem. Nature is a beauty of hidden paradise and has provided uswith wonderful gifts. Nature is full of adventurous spots , sceniclandscapes, mystic caves , colorful flora and fauna, splendidwaterfalls, exotic locales, snowcapped peaks, lofty mountainranges, picturesque dense lush green forests, dazzling deserts,breathtaking seascapes, serene flowing rivers, captivating sandybeaches all mesmerizes and provides one with awesome sights. Fromtimes immortal nature has been a source of inspiration to man. Butman's need for comfort has made him to destruct it. Many plants andanimals are becoming extinct. Hence it becomes very important forus to protect this incredible beauty of Nature for generations tocome. For further developments and for developer support appincludes ads, so bear it patiently. If you have any complaint orsuggestion we welcome your feedback on irfanpatandec84@gmail.comThanks for your installation.
Nature Live Images 10.67
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
App is free with HD Nature Live Images. Do not drain extra batteryin both active and inactive conditions i.e. optimized batter yusage. View images either from application own album as stunningwallpapers, or can select pictures from photo gallery, or from anyfolder on your SD card. It changes wallpapers automatically usingdefault time interval of one hour or want to change it immediatelyby double tap on any screen. LWP provides different effects likezooming in/out, fade in/out, slide an image, wipe, 3d rotation etc.Nature Live Images support both horizontal and vertical orientationwith great effects on your smart phone or tablet. Instructions forinstallation: Home>Menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper>NatureLive Images or Press and hold home button (screen) Live wallpapersand Nature Live Images, or from settings (create and open shortcutto Nature Live Images). App Settings: Common settings: - Selectpicture source to display pictures (picture source can be internalwallpaper present in live wallpapers app, or select from album orpicture folder or even select a single picture). Change thebackground color of the screen (it can be red, green, blue etc. orauto detect color), crop or resize pictures to fit screen size orfit to full screen, decrease image saturation (from 100 to 10 %),or decrease opacity of the image. Individual settings: - Individualsettings is for a specified screen e.g. Select screen number andchange its settings i.e. its picture source or background color orresize the wallpaper of the specified screen, its opacity etc. etc.Lock screen settings: - Change the lock screen settings withdifferent provided settings, i.e. picture source, background color,image resize ratio, image saturation and opacity etc. Transitiontype settings: - When switching screen you can change its animationto 3d, swing, wipe, etc. etc. zoom and slide is automaticallyselected. Picture Interval settings: - Change the pictures intervalautomatically one hour is selected. Advanced Settings: - Evenadvanced settings can be performed includes, work around for somehome applications, maximum memory usage and image color depth. Someabout Nature: We hope you will amuse yourself with these amusingNature Live Images because nature is full of beauties only weshould have eyes to perceive them. Nature is a beauty of hiddenparadise and has provided us with wonderful gifts. Nature is fullof adventurous spots , scenic landscapes, mystic caves , colorfulflora and fauna, splendid waterfalls, exotic locales, snowcappedpeaks, lofty mountain ranges, picturesque dense lush green forests,dazzling deserts, breathtaking seascapes, serene flowing rivers,captivating sandy beaches all mesmerizes and provides one withawesome sights. From times immortal nature has been a source ofinspiration to man. But man's need for comfort has made him todestruct it. Many plants and animals are becoming extinct. Hence itbecomes very important for us to protect this incredible beauty ofNature for generations to come. For further developments and fordeveloper support app includes ads, so bear it patiently. If youhave any complaint or suggestion we welcome your feedback Thanks for your installation.
Amazing Nature Live Wallpapers 10.26
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
App is free with Amazing HD Nature Live Wallpapers. Do not drainextra battery in both active and inactive conditions i.e. optimizedbatter y usage. View images either from application own album asstunning wallpapers, or can select pictures from photo gallery, orfrom any folder on your SD card. It changes wallpapersautomatically using default time interval of one hour or want tochange it immediately by double tap on any screen. LWP providesdifferent effects like zooming in/out, fade in/out, slide an image,wipe, 3d rotation etc. Amazing Nature Live Wallpapers support bothhorizontal and vertical orientation with great effects on yoursmart phone or tablet. Instructions for installation:Home>Menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper>Amazing Nature LiveWallpapers or Press and hold home button (screen) Live wallpapersand Amazing Nature Live Wallpapers, or from settings (create andopen shortcut to Amazing Nature Live Wallpapers). App Settings:Common settings: - Select picture source to display pictures(picture source can be internal wallpaper present in livewallpapers app, or select from album or picture folder or evenselect a single picture). Change the background color of the screen(it can be red, green, blue etc. or auto detect color), crop orresize pictures to fit screen size or fit to full screen, decreaseimage saturation (from 100 to 10 %), or decrease opacity of theimage. Individual settings: - Individual settings is for aspecified screen e.g. Select screen number and change its settingsi.e. its picture source or background color or resize the wallpaperof the specified screen, its opacity etc. etc. Lock screensettings: - Change the lock screen settings with different providedsettings, i.e. picture source, background color, image resizeratio, image saturation and opacity etc. Transition type settings:- When switching screen you can change its animation to 3d, swing,wipe, etc. etc. zoom and slide is automatically selected. PictureInterval settings: - Change the pictures interval automatically onehour is selected. Advanced Settings: - Even advanced settings canbe performed includes, work around for some home applications,maximum memory usage and image color depth. Some about Nature: Wehope you will amuse yourself with these amusing Amazing Nature LiveWallpapers because nature is full of beauties only we should haveeyes to perceive them. Nature is a beauty of hidden paradise andhas provided us with wonderful gifts. Nature is full of adventurousspots , scenic landscapes, mystic caves , colorful flora and fauna,splendid waterfalls, exotic locales, snowcapped peaks, loftymountain ranges, picturesque dense lush green forests, dazzlingdeserts, breathtaking seascapes, serene flowing rivers, captivatingsandy beaches all mesmerizes and provides one with awesome sights.From times immortal nature has been a source of inspiration to man.But man's need for comfort has made him to destruct it. Many plantsand animals are becoming extinct. Hence it becomes very importantfor us to protect this incredible beauty of Nature for generationsto come. For further developments and for developer support appincludes ads, so bear it patiently. If you have any complaint orsuggestion we welcome your feedback on irfanpatandec84@gmail.comThanks for your installation.
Air Striker Live Backgrounds 3.7
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
App is free with HD Air Striker Live Backgrounds. Do not drainextra battery in both active and inactive conditions i.e. optimizedbattery usage. View images either from application own album asstunning wallpapers, or can select pictures from photo gallery, orfrom any folder on your SD card. It changes wallpapersautomatically using default time interval of one hour or want tochange it immediately by double tap on any screen. LWP providesdifferent effects like zooming in/out, fade in/out, slide an image,wipe, 3d rotation etc. Air Striker Live Backgrounds support bothhorizontal and vertical orientation with great effects on yoursmart phone or tablet. Instructions for installation:Home>Menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper>Air Striker LiveBackgrounds or Press and hold home button (screen) Live wallpapersand Air Striker Live Backgrounds, or from settings (create and openshortcut to Air Striker Live Backgrounds). App Settings: Commonsettings: - Select picture source to display pictures (picturesource can be internal wallpaper present in live wallpapers app, orselect from album or picture folder or even select a singlepicture). Change the background color of the screen (it can be red,green, blue etc. or auto detect color), crop or resize pictures tofit screen size or fit to full screen, decrease image saturation(from 100 to 10 %), or decrease opacity of the image. Individualsettings: - Individual settings is for a specified screen e.g.Select screen number and change its settings i.e. its picturesource or background color or resize the wallpaper of the specifiedscreen, its opacity etc. etc. Lock screen settings: - Change thelock screen settings with different provided settings, i.e. picturesource, background color, image resize ratio, image saturation andopacity etc. Transition type settings: - When switching screen youcan change its animation to 3d, swing, wipe, etc. etc. zoom andslide is automatically selected. Picture Interval settings: -Change the pictures interval automatically one hour is selected.Advanced Settings: - Even advanced settings can be performedincludes, work around for some home applications, maximum memoryusage and image color depth. An aircraft is a machine that is ableto fly by gaining support from the air, or, in general, theatmosphere of a planet. It counters the force of gravity by usingeither static lift or by using the dynamic lift of an airfoil, orin a few cases the downward thrust from jet engines. Airplanes havechanged the world in many ways. Lindberg crossed the Atlantic, warefforts were supported heavily by the use of aircraft, world travelhas skyrocketed, traveling has been made easier, and unfortunatelythe airplane was used for terrorism. Motorcar transportation willbecome a thing of the past in the future, and more aircraft willflourish in the airways above. The world needs to spend more timeworking on new concepts instead of lousy petrol-burningautomobiles. Let us see into a future with alternativetransportation, a world where a car accident is an occurrence ofcomputer miss-management and is few and far between. Flying modelcraft and stories of manned flight go back many centuries, howeverthe first manned ascent – and safe descent – in modern times tookplace by hot-air balloon in the 18th century. Each of the two WorldWars led to great technical advances. For further developments andfor developer support app includes ads, so bear it patiently. Ifyou have any complaint or suggestion we welcome your feedback Thanks for your installation.
Splendid Nature Live Wallpaper 5.1
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
App is free with HD Splendid Nature Live Wallpapers. Do not drainextra battery in both active and inactive conditions i.e. optimizedbatter y usage. View images either from application own album asstunning wallpapers, or can select pictures from photo gallery, orfrom any folder on your SD card. It changes wallpapersautomatically using default time interval of one hour or want tochange it immediately by double tap on any screen. LWP providesdifferent effects like zooming in/out, fade in/out, slide an image,wipe, 3d rotation etc. Splendid Nature Live Wallpapers support bothhorizontal and vertical orientation with great effects on yoursmart phone or tablet. Instructions for installation:Home>Menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper>Splendid Nature LiveWallpapers or Press and hold home button (screen) Live wallpapersand Splendid Nature Live Wallpapers, or from settings (create andopen shortcut to Splendid Nature Live Wallpapers). App Settings:Common settings: - Select picture source to display pictures(picture source can be internal wallpaper present in livewallpapers app, or select from album or picture folder or evenselect a single picture). Change the background color of the screen(it can be red, green, blue etc. or auto detect color), crop orresize pictures to fit screen size or fit to full screen, decreaseimage saturation (from 100 to 10 %), or decrease opacity of theimage. Individual settings: - Individual settings is for aspecified screen e.g. Select screen number and change its settingsi.e. its picture source or background color or resize the wallpaperof the specified screen, its opacity etc. etc. Lock screensettings: - Change the lock screen settings with different providedsettings, i.e. picture source, background color, image resizeratio, image saturation and opacity etc. Transition type settings:- When switching screen you can change its animation to 3d, swing,wipe, etc. etc. zoom and slide is automatically selected. PictureInterval settings: - Change the pictures interval automatically onehour is selected. Advanced Settings: - Even advanced settings canbe performed includes, work around for some home applications,maximum memory usage and image color depth. Some about Nature: Wehope you will amuse yourself with these amusing Splendid NatureLive Wallpapers because nature is full of beauties only we shouldhave eyes to perceive them. Nature is a beauty of hidden paradiseand has provided us with wonderful gifts. Nature is full ofadventurous spots , scenic landscapes, mystic caves , colorfulflora and fauna, splendid waterfalls, exotic locales, snowcappedpeaks, lofty mountain ranges, picturesque dense lush green forests,dazzling deserts, breathtaking seascapes, serene flowing rivers,captivating sandy beaches all mesmerizes and provides one withawesome sights. From times immortal nature has been a source ofinspiration to man. But man's need for comfort has made him todestruct it. Many plants and animals are becoming extinct. Hence itbecomes very important for us to protect this incredible beauty ofNature for generations to come. For further developments and fordeveloper support app includes ads, so bear it patiently. If youhave any complaint or suggestion we welcome your feedback Thanks for your installation.
Big Cats Live Wallpapers 10.92
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with hundreds of Big CatsLive Wallpapers
Nature live wallpapers 7.9
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make phone or tablet alive with hundreds of multi screen Naturelive wallpapers
Multi Screen Dogs Live Images 5.1
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Keep smart phone or tablet alive with multi-screen Multi ScreenDogs Live Images
Funny Cats Live Wallpapers 3.7
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with hundreds Funny Cats LiveWallpapers
Cute Cats Live Wallpapers 10.71
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone / tablet alive with cute cats
Marvelous Nature Live Images 5.2
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with Marvelous Nature LiveImages
3D Abstract Live Wallpapers 10.6
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Alive your phone or tablet with multi-screen 3D Abstract LiveWallpapers
Multi Screen Nature LWP 5.4
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Get phone or tablet alive with hundreds of multi-screen MultiScreen Nature LWP
Lovely Nature Live Wallpapers 3.5
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with Lovely Nature LiveWallpapers.
Texture Live Wallpapers (Pro) 3.1
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with Texture Live Wallpapers.
Top Nature Live Wallpapers (Pr 9.1
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with Top Nature LiveWallpapers.
HD Nature Live Wallpapers (Pro 3.5
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with HD Nature LiveWallpapers.
Nature live wallpapers (Pro) 7.9
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with Nature live wallpapers.
Earth Live Wallpapers (Pro) 7.6
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with Earth Live Wallpapers.
Dog Live Wallpapers (Pro) 6.2
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
This is the paid version of Dog Live Wallpapers and is free ofanyannoying ads. Optimized for battery usage. View images eitherfromapplication own album as stunning wallpapers, or canselectpictures from photo gallery, or from any folder on your SDcard. Itchanges wallpapers automatically using default timeinterval of onehour or want to change it immediately by double tapon any screen.LWP provides different effects like zooming in/out,fade in/out,slide an image, wipe, 3d rotation etc. Dog LiveWallpapers (Pro)support both horizontal and vertical orientationwith great effectson your smart phone or tablet. Instructions forinstallation:Home>Menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper>DogLive Wallpapers(Pro) or Press and hold home button (screen) Livewallpapers andDog Live Wallpapers (Pro), or from settings (createand openshortcut to Dog Live Wallpapers (Pro)). App Settings:Commonsettings: - Select picture source to display pictures(picturesource can be internal wallpaper present in live wallpapersapp, orselect from album or picture folder or even select asinglepicture). Change the background color of the screen (it canbe red,green, blue etc. or auto detect color), crop or resizepictures tofit screen size or fit to full screen, decrease imagesaturation(from 100 to 10 %), or decrease opacity of the image.Individualsettings: - Individual settings is for a specified screene.g.Select screen number and change its settings i.e. itspicturesource or background color or resize the wallpaper of thespecifiedscreen, its opacity etc. etc. Lock screen settings: -Change thelock screen settings with different provided settings,i.e. picturesource, background color, image resize ratio, imagesaturation andopacity etc. Transition type settings: - Whenswitching screen youcan change its animation to 3d, swing, wipe,etc. etc. zoom andslide is automatically selected. Picture Intervalsettings: -Change the pictures interval automatically one hour isselected.Advanced Settings: - Even advanced settings can beperformedincludes, work around for some home applications, maximummemoryusage and image color depth. We hope you will amuse yourselfwiththese amusing Dog Live Wallpapers (Pro) because nature is fullofbeauties only we should have eyes to perceive them. Thedomesticdog (Canis lupus familiaris or Canis familiaris) is adomesticatedcanid, which has been selectively bred for millenniafor variousbehaviors, sensory capabilities, and physicalattributes. Althoughinitially thought to have originated as amanmade variant of anextant canid species (variously supposed asbeing the dhole goldenjackal, or gray wolf), extensive geneticstudies undertaken duringthe 2010s indicate that dogs diverged fromother wolf-like canidsin Eurasia 40,000 years ago. Being the oldestdomesticated animals,their long association with people has alloweddogs to be uniquelyattuned to human behavior, as well as thrive ona starch-rich diet,which would be inadequate for other canidspecies. For furtherdevelopments and for developer support appincludes ads, so bear itpatiently. If you have any complaint orsuggestion we welcome yourfeedback on irfanpatandec84@gmail.comThanks for your installation.
SN Nature Live Wallpapers 5.3
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with SN Nature LiveWallpapers.
Photography Live Wallpapers (P 3.1
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with Photography LiveWallpapers.
Live Photography Pictures (Pro 3.8
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with Live PhotographyPictures.
Dogs Live Wallpapers (Pro) 7.1
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with Dogs Live Wallpaper
Multi Screen Nature Live Wallp 5.4
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with Multi Screen Nature LiveWallpapers.
Nature Live Backgrounds (Pro) 3.8
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with Nature Live Backgrounds.
Abstract CG Live Wallpapers 10.45
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make smart phone or tablet alive with multi-screen Abstract CG LiveWallpapers
Dogs Live Wallpapers 10.8
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with hundreds ofmultiscreenDogs Live Wallpapers. App is free with HD Dogs LiveWallpapers. Donot drain extra battery in both active and inactiveconditions i.e.optimized batter y usage. View images either fromapplication ownalbum as stunning wallpapers, or can select picturesfrom photogallery, or from any folder on your SD card. It changeswallpapersautomatically using default time interval of one hour orwant tochange it immediately by double tap on any screen. LWPprovidesdifferent effects like zooming in/out, fade in/out, slidean image,wipe, 3d rotation etc. Dogs Live Wallpapers support bothhorizontaland vertical orientation with great effects on your smartphone ortablet. Instructions forinstallation:Home>Menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper>DogsLive Wallpapersor Press and hold home button (screen) Livewallpapers and DogsLive Wallpapers, or from settings (create andopen shortcut to DogsLive Wallpapers). App Settings: Commonsettings: - Select picturesource to display pictures (picturesource can be internalwallpaper present in live wallpapers app, orselect from album orpicture folder or even select a singlepicture). Change thebackground color of the screen (it can be red,green, blue etc. orauto detect color), crop or resize pictures tofit screen size orfit to full screen, decrease image saturation(from 100 to 10 %),or decrease opacity of the image. Individualsettings: - Individualsettings is for a specified screen e.g.Select screen number andchange its settings i.e. its picture sourceor background color orresize the wallpaper of the specified screen,its opacity etc. etc.Lock screen settings: - Change the lock screensettings withdifferent provided settings, i.e. picture source,background color,image resize ratio, image saturation and opacityetc. Transitiontype settings: - When switching screen you canchange its animationto 3d, swing, wipe, etc. etc. zoom and slide isautomaticallyselected. Picture Interval settings: - Change thepictures intervalautomatically one hour is selected. AdvancedSettings: - Evenadvanced settings can be performed includes, workaround for somehome applications, maximum memory usage and imagecolor depth. Wehope you will amuse yourself with these amusing DogsLiveWallpapers because nature is full of beauties only we shouldhaveeyes to perceive them. The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiarisorCanis familiaris) is a domesticated canid, which hasbeenselectively bred for millennia for various behaviors,sensorycapabilities, and physical attributes. Although initiallythoughtto have originated as a manmade variant of an extant canidspecies(variously supposed as being the dhole golden jackal, orgraywolf), extensive genetic studies undertaken during the2010sindicate that dogs diverged from other wolf-like canids inEurasia40,000 years ago. Being the oldest domesticated animals,their longassociation with people has allowed dogs to be uniquelyattuned tohuman behavior, as well as thrive on a starch-rich diet,whichwould be inadequate for other canid species. Forfurtherdevelopments and for developer support app includes ads, sobear itpatiently. If you have any complaint or suggestion wewelcome yourfeedback on Thanks for yourinstallation.
Air Fighter Live Wallpapers 10.11
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with hundreds of AirFighterLive Wallpapers. App is free with HD Air Fighter LiveWallpapers.Do not drain extra battery in both active and inactiveconditionsi.e. optimized battery usage. View images either fromapplicationown album as stunning wallpapers, or can select picturesfrom photogallery, or from any folder on your SD card. It changeswallpapersautomatically using default time interval of one hour orwant tochange it immediately by double tap on any screen. LWPprovidesdifferent effects like zooming in/out, fade in/out, slidean image,wipe, 3d rotation etc. Air Fighter Live Wallpapers supportbothhorizontal and vertical orientation with great effects onyoursmart phone or tablet. Instructions forinstallation:Home>Menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper>AirFighter LiveWallpapers or Press and hold home button (screen) Livewallpapersand Air Fighter Live Wallpapers, or from settings (createand openshortcut to Air Fighter Live Wallpapers). App Settings:Commonsettings: - Select picture source to display pictures(picturesource can be internal wallpaper present in live wallpapersapp, orselect from album or picture folder or even select asinglepicture). Change the background color of the screen (it canbe red,green, blue etc. or auto detect color), crop or resizepictures tofit screen size or fit to full screen, decrease imagesaturation(from 100 to 10 %), or decrease opacity of the image.Individualsettings: - Individual settings is for a specified screene.g.Select screen number and change its settings i.e. itspicturesource or background color or resize the wallpaper of thespecifiedscreen, its opacity etc. etc. Lock screen settings: -Change thelock screen settings with different provided settings,i.e. picturesource, background color, image resize ratio, imagesaturation andopacity etc. Transition type settings: - Whenswitching screen youcan change its animation to 3d, swing, wipe,etc. etc. zoom andslide is automatically selected. Picture Intervalsettings: -Change the pictures interval automatically one hour isselected.Advanced Settings: - Even advanced settings can beperformedincludes, work around for some home applications, maximummemoryusage and image color depth. An aircraft is a machine that isableto fly by gaining support from the air, or, in general,theatmosphere of a planet. It counters the force of gravity byusingeither static lift or by using the dynamic lift of an airfoil,orin a few cases the downward thrust from jet engines. Airplaneshavechanged the world in many ways. Lindberg crossed the Atlantic,warefforts were supported heavily by the use of aircraft, worldtravelhas skyrocketed, traveling has been made easier, andunfortunatelythe airplane was used for terrorism. Motorcartransportation willbecome a thing of the past in the future, andmore aircraft willflourish in the airways above. The world needs tospend more timeworking on new concepts instead of lousypetrol-burningautomobiles. Let us see into a future withalternativetransportation, a world where a car accident is anoccurrence ofcomputer miss-management and is few and far between.Flying modelcraft and stories of manned flight go back manycenturies, howeverthe first manned ascent – and safe descent – inmodern times tookplace by hot-air balloon in the 18th century. Eachof the two WorldWars led to great technical advances. For furtherdevelopments andfor developer support app includes ads, so bear itpatiently. Ifyou have any complaint or suggestion we welcome yourfeedback Thanks for your installation.
Top Nature Live Wallpapers 10.79
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with hundreds of TopNatureLive Wallpapers. App is free with HD Top Nature LiveWallpapers. Donot drain extra battery in both active and inactiveconditions i.e.optimized batter y usage. View images either fromapplication ownalbum as stunning wallpapers, or can select picturesfrom photogallery, or from any folder on your SD card. It changeswallpapersautomatically using default time interval of one hour orwant tochange it immediately by double tap on any screen. LWPprovidesdifferent effects like zooming in/out, fade in/out, slidean image,wipe, 3d rotation etc. Top Nature Live Wallpapers supportbothhorizontal and vertical orientation with great effects onyoursmart phone or tablet. Instructions forinstallation:Home>Menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper>TopNature LiveWallpapers or Press and hold home button (screen) Livewallpapersand Top Nature Live Wallpapers, or from settings (createand openshortcut to Top Nature Live Wallpapers). App Settings:Commonsettings: - Select picture source to display pictures(picturesource can be internal wallpaper present in live wallpapersapp, orselect from album or picture folder or even select asinglepicture). Change the background color of the screen (it canbe red,green, blue etc. or auto detect color), crop or resizepictures tofit screen size or fit to full screen, decrease imagesaturation(from 100 to 10 %), or decrease opacity of the image.Individualsettings: - Individual settings is for a specified screene.g.Select screen number and change its settings i.e. itspicturesource or background color or resize the wallpaper of thespecifiedscreen, its opacity etc. etc. Lock screen settings: -Change thelock screen settings with different provided settings,i.e. picturesource, background color, image resize ratio, imagesaturation andopacity etc. Transition type settings: - Whenswitching screen youcan change its animation to 3d, swing, wipe,etc. etc. zoom andslide is automatically selected. Picture Intervalsettings: -Change the pictures interval automatically one hour isselected.Advanced Settings: - Even advanced settings can beperformedincludes, work around for some home applications, maximummemoryusage and image color depth. Some about Nature: We hope youwillamuse yourself with these amusing Top Nature LiveWallpapersbecause nature is full of beauties only we should haveeyes toperceive them. Nature is a beauty of hidden paradise andhasprovided us with wonderful gifts. Nature is full ofadventurousspots , scenic landscapes, mystic caves , colorful floraand fauna,splendid waterfalls, exotic locales, snowcapped peaks,loftymountain ranges, picturesque dense lush green forests,dazzlingdeserts, breathtaking seascapes, serene flowing rivers,captivatingsandy beaches all mesmerizes and provides one withawesome sights.From times immortal nature has been a source ofinspiration to man.But man's need for comfort has made him todestruct it. Many plantsand animals are becoming extinct. Hence itbecomes very importantfor us to protect this incredible beauty ofNature for generationsto come. For further developments and fordeveloper support appincludes ads, so bear it patiently. If youhave any complaint orsuggestion we welcome your feedback onirfanpatandec84@gmail.comThanks for your installation.
Texture Live Wallpapers 3.1
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
App is free with HD Texture Live Wallpapers. Do not drainextrabattery in both active and inactive conditions i.e.optimizedbatter y usage. View images either from application ownalbum asstunning wallpapers, or can select pictures from photogallery, orfrom any folder on your SD card. It changeswallpapersautomatically using default time interval of one hour orwant tochange it immediately by double tap on any screen. LWPprovidesdifferent effects like zooming in/out, fade in/out, slidean image,wipe, 3d rotation etc. Texture Live Wallpapers supportbothhorizontal and vertical orientation with great effects onyoursmart phone or tablet. Instructions forinstallation:Home>Menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper>TextureLiveWallpapers or Press and hold home button (screen) Livewallpapersand Texture Live Wallpapers, or from settings (create andopenshortcut to Texture Live Wallpapers). App Settings:Commonsettings: - Select picture source to display pictures(picturesource can be internal wallpaper present in live wallpapersapp, orselect from album or picture folder or even select asinglepicture). Change the background color of the screen (it canbe red,green, blue etc. or auto detect color), crop or resizepictures tofit screen size or fit to full screen, decrease imagesaturation(from 100 to 10 %), or decrease opacity of the image.Individualsettings: - Individual settings is for a specified screene.g.Select screen number and change its settings i.e. itspicturesource or background color or resize the wallpaper of thespecifiedscreen, its opacity etc. etc. Lock screen settings: -Change thelock screen settings with different provided settings,i.e. picturesource, background color, image resize ratio, imagesaturation andopacity etc. Transition type settings: - Whenswitching screen youcan change its animation to 3d, swing, wipe,etc. etc. zoom andslide is automatically selected. Picture Intervalsettings: -Change the pictures interval automatically one hour isselected.Advanced Settings: - Even advanced settings can beperformedincludes, work around for some home applications, maximummemoryusage and image color depth. Texture in painting is the lookandfeel of the canvas. It is based on the paint, and itsapplication,or the addition of materials such as ribbon, metal,wood, lace,leather and sand. The concept of 'painter lines' alsohas bearingon texture. The texture stimulates two different senses;sight andtouch. There are four types of texture in art: actualtexture,simulated texture, abstract texture, and invented texture.This isa combination of how the painting looks, and how it feels tothetouch. It is associated both with the heavy buildup of paint,suchas an impasto effect, or the addition of materials. Creatingthevisual effect of texture without actually adding texture.Forinstance, a texture created to look like something other thanpainton a flat surface. For further developments and fordevelopersupport app includes ads, so bear it patiently. If youhave anycomplaint or suggestion we welcome your Thanks for your installation.
Dog Live Wallpapers 10.23
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make phone or tablet alive with hundreds of multi-screen Dog LiveWallpapers
Lovely Nature Live Wallpapers 3.5
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your phone or tablet alive with hundreds of Lovely Nature LiveWallpapers
SN Nature Live Wallpapers 5.3
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
App is free with HD SN Nature Live Wallpapers. Do not drainextrabattery in both active and inactive conditions i.e.optimizedbatter y usage. View images either from application ownalbum asstunning wallpapers, or can select pictures from photogallery, orfrom any folder on your SD card. It changeswallpapersautomatically using default time interval of one hour orwant tochange it immediately by double tap on any screen. LWPprovidesdifferent effects like zooming in/out, fade in/out, slidean image,wipe, 3d rotation etc. SN Nature Live Wallpapers supportbothhorizontal and vertical orientation with great effects onyoursmart phone or tablet. Instructions forinstallation:Home>Menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper>SNNature LiveWallpapers or Press and hold home button (screen) Livewallpapersand SN Nature Live Wallpapers, or from settings (createand openshortcut to SN Nature Live Wallpapers). App Settings:Commonsettings: - Select picture source to display pictures(picturesource can be internal wallpaper present in live wallpapersapp, orselect from album or picture folder or even select asinglepicture). Change the background color of the screen (it canbe red,green, blue etc. or auto detect color), crop or resizepictures tofit screen size or fit to full screen, decrease imagesaturation(from 100 to 10 %), or decrease opacity of the image.Individualsettings: - Individual settings is for a specified screene.g.Select screen number and change its settings i.e. itspicturesource or background color or resize the wallpaper of thespecifiedscreen, its opacity etc. etc. Lock screen settings: -Change thelock screen settings with different provided settings,i.e. picturesource, background color, image resize ratio, imagesaturation andopacity etc. Transition type settings: - Whenswitching screen youcan change its animation to 3d, swing, wipe,etc. etc. zoom andslide is automatically selected. Picture Intervalsettings: -Change the pictures interval automatically one hour isselected.Advanced Settings: - Even advanced settings can beperformedincludes, work around for some home applications, maximummemoryusage and image color depth. Some about Nature: We hope youwillamuse yourself with these amusing SN Nature Live Wallpapersbecausenature is full of beauties only we should have eyes toperceivethem. Nature is a beauty of hidden paradise and hasprovided uswith wonderful gifts. Nature is full of adventurousspots , sceniclandscapes, mystic caves , colorful flora and fauna,splendidwaterfalls, exotic locales, snowcapped peaks, loftymountainranges, picturesque dense lush green forests, dazzlingdeserts,breathtaking seascapes, serene flowing rivers, captivatingsandybeaches all mesmerizes and provides one with awesome sights.Fromtimes immortal nature has been a source of inspiration to man.Butman's need for comfort has made him to destruct it. Many plantsandanimals are becoming extinct. Hence it becomes very importantforus to protect this incredible beauty of Nature for generationstocome. For further developments and for developer supportappincludes ads, so bear it patiently. If you have any complaintorsuggestion we welcome your feedback onirfanpatandec84@gmail.comThanks for your installation.
Marvelous Nature Live Images ( 5.2
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with Marvelous Nature LiveImages.
Cute Cats Live Wallpapers (Pro) 5.5
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
This is the paid version of Cute Cats Live Wallpapers and is freeofany annoying ads. Optimized for battery usage. View imageseitherfrom application own album as stunning wallpapers, or canselectpictures from photo gallery, or from any folder on your SDcard. Itchanges wallpapers automatically using default timeinterval of onehour or want to change it immediately by double tapon any screen.LWP provides different effects like zooming in/out,fade in/out,slide an image, wipe, 3d rotation etc. Cute Cat LiveWallpaperssupport both horizontal and vertical orientation withgreat effectson your smart phone or tablet. Instructions forinstallation:Home>Menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper>CuteCats LiveWallpapers (Pro) or Press and hold home button (screen)Livewallpapers and Cute Cats Live Wallpapers (Pro), or fromsettings(create and open shortcut to Cute Cats Live Wallpapers(Pro)). AppSettings: Common settings: - Select picture source todisplaypictures (picture source can be internal wallpaper presentin livewallpapers app, or select from album or picture folder orevenselect a single picture). Change the background color of thescreen(it can be red, green, blue etc. or auto detect color), croporresize pictures to fit screen size or fit to full screen,decreaseimage saturation (from 100 to 10 %), or decrease opacityof theimage. Individual settings: - Individual settings is for aspecifiedscreen e.g. Select screen number and change its settingsi.e. itspicture source or background color or resize the wallpaperof thespecified screen, its opacity etc. etc. Lock screensettings: -Change the lock screen settings with different providedsettings,i.e. picture source, background color, image resizeratio, imagesaturation and opacity etc. Transition type settings:- Whenswitching screen you can change its animation to 3d, swing,wipe,etc. etc. zoom and slide is automatically selected. PictureIntervalsettings: - Change the pictures interval automatically onehour isselected. Advanced Settings: - Even advanced settings canbeperformed includes, work around for some home applications,maximummemory usage and image color depth. Some about Nature: Thedomesticcat (Felis catus or Felis silvestris catus) is a small,usuallyfurry, domesticated, and carnivorous mammal. They are oftencalledhousecats when kept as an indoor pet or simply cats whenthere is noneed to distinguish them from other felids and felines.Cats areoften valued by humans for companionship and their abilityto huntvermin. Cats are similar in anatomy to the other felids,withstrong, flexible bodies, quick reflexes, sharp retractableclaws,and teeth adapted to killing small prey. Cat senses fitacrepuscular and predatory ecological niche. Cats can hearsoundstoo faint or too high in frequency for human ears, such asthosemade by mice and other small animals. They can see inneardarkness. Like most other mammals, cats have poorer colorvisionand a better sense of smell than humans. For furtherdevelopmentsand for developer support app includes ads, so bear itpatiently.If you have any complaint or suggestion we welcome yourfeedback Thanks for your installation.
Nature Live Images (Pro) 3.2
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with Nature Live Images.
Military Aircraft Live Wallpap 3.5
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with Military Aircraft LiveWallpapers.
Aircraft Live Backgrounds (Pro 3.6
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with Aircraft LiveBackgrounds.
Funny Cats Live Wallpapers (Pr 3.7
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with Funny Cats LiveWallpapers.
Amazing Nature Live Wallpapers 5.2
Live Wallpapers Ltd.
Make your smart phone or tablet alive with Amazing Nature LiveWallpapers.